Key points of Los Angeles Price Gouging Rules
California has enacted price gouging laws specifically in response to natural disasters like wildfires. These laws are designed to protect consumers from unfair price hikes during times of emergency.
LA Council Enacts CHIP Ordinance (Proposed Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP)
The Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) is a key component of Los Angeles's 2021-2029 Housing Element, known as the Plan to House LA. This initiative aims to address the city's significant housing needs by facilitating the development of affordable housing near transit hubs, employment centers, and in higher-opportunity areas.
Understanding California's Balcony Ordinance: Key Points and Impact
California has long been a state with progressive laws aimed at improving safety, livability, and accountability within its residential structures. Among the regulations that have had significant effects on multi-unit buildings, especially in urban areas, is the California Balcony Ordinance.